Big Dog Construction is in the process of building Salon Luce on the corner of 4th and Main St. in downtown Davenport.
New Downtown Lofts
St. Anne’s
A beautiful remodel to St. Anne’s church. The brick was cut an extra 3ft to extend the door. The handrail was custom made from oak to match the oak that was already in the church. The alter is all new granite and the wood work above is a chevron pattern. We custom built shadow boxes for all of the stain glass. A wonderful new look and a beautiful church.
Me & Billy bar and restaurant
Ryan Companies, 2011 Vendor of the Year Award
What a great honor to receive the following award from one our repeat clients.
Ryan Companies not only builds large buildings but maintains and renews several existing buildings. We provide snow removal and remodeling services for this well staffed management division. It is a pleasure to work with Kathy, Rick, Matt and all the fine people at Ryan Companies. We look forward to continuing this relationship into the future.
Taylor Ridge Room Addition Complete
This is an exciting full vaulted ceiling room addition with a full walk-out basement we completed in the fall of 2011.
The space included adding a living room, master bedroom, master bath, master closet, laundry facilities and remodeling their existing kitchen.
Bettendorf Room Addition Finished
You can now see how expanding their living space to the rear was able to be accomplished by raising the peak of their existing extended garage roof line. This gives their roof an entirely new look.
- A great view from the new family room
- A new peak is now in view from the curb.
- New Trusses are placed on existing garage roof line to create the new peak.
- The peak of the room is not the peak of the trusses
- Structure is framed, rear view
Davenport, February 2012 Kitchen Remodel
This existing Davenport home we “spruced” their existing cabinetry by adding Granite tops, polished glass backsplash, update plumbing fixtures and under cabinet lighting.
Bettendorf Family Room Addition
This is first week progress of a unique room addition we are doing in Bettendorf. This family was looking for a way to expand their dining room when necessary as well as having a room that provided extra gathering space and a first floor 3/4 bathroom. These pictures show the forms for the foundation and the crawl space that was dug out for under the floor.
What makes this room addition different is the roof lines that need to met up with, to tie everything together. As the pictures show, the peaks of the existing gable roofs are perpendicular to each other. Therefore our new roof must peak at a higher elevation in order to achieve the necessary slope for drainage that a shingled roof requires. Follow our blogs to see how this project progresses.
Davenport Firefighter Juarez’s New Home
Big Dog Construction had the honor of building a new home for injured Davenport Fire Captain Bob Juarez. Capt. Juarez was injured on the job June 12, 2008 when he fell 30 feet from a ladder, he was paralyzed in the accident and is now confined to a wheelchair.
Over the course of almost one year, Big Dog Construction built a new 2,000 square foot home for Capt. Juarez and his family to accommodate his wheelchair.
The light switches are located at the lowest legal level, as well as electrical outlets at their highest legal level. The kitchen and laundry room are also completely accessible by wheelchair for Capt. Juarez.
Companies and individuals from the Quad Cities donated building materials, their time and love to complete this project for the Juarez family. Donations include a sprinkler system and backup generator for the wheelchair lift.
Big Dog Construction President, Chris Haber says “We started the project process by reviewing their “Juarez” existing home. In working with a local architect, we determined that it would be cost prohibitive to redesign/remodel. The next step was then re-working designs of homes that we had previously built to fit the needs and requirements that Mr. Juarez and his family would need. Then the fun started. Along with a few others, we made phone calls, sent out emails and dropped off requests to multiple trades and suppliers in hope that we could get reduced and or donated services and products. What a tremendous out pour of support we indeed experienced. From design to finish we witnessed our community step up for this family and it was awe inspiring.”